Friday, April 14, 2006

lace knitting

I went to a short class on lace knitting yesterday and, lo and behold, I found out that I already knew how to do it, and that I already had done it! I did, however, learn some new/old things-and I may still go back if I have the time. Being largely self taught, there were a few things that I had been doing wrong, but nothing terribly critical.

Of course, I bought more yarn and then.. This book, The Ultimate Sourcebook of Knitting and Crochet Stitches.

I don't believe in publicly passing along a teacher's lessons, but I think it is safe to pass along this link to . She pointed out the section called "Grandpa's Garage Sale" because they have such good sales. And ya know what? They do!

Curses to Crystal... I swore I was not going to start buying yarn!

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