Been watching the Grammy's tonight. I don't usually make it through the evening because, well... maybe I'm just getting too old for it.
But tonight has been fun. I have enjoyed most of the performers I don't like what has happened to country music and I loathe Josh Grobin. Ick, yuck, poo-poo. His work is far too preachy for me.
So guess who was the last on stage tonight. Yep. Him. Peeeeyuuuuu!
Wait! It's not over. Phew!
Tina Turner was fabulous. I saw her in concert when she released her "Private Dancer album. Fabulousness abounded.
*** *** ***
I revamped my "How To Make Paper" page. They are very simple directions; goodness knows, it can get more complex that this. I plan on giving a workshop on papermaking this Summer at the SLV Folk Arts and Fiber Festival this Summer.
I did not make paper at all last Summer. I will probably go to work at in March when Denny goes off to NCECA.
I'm off to bed early. I have some kind of respiratory infection that has kicked my boote' this weekend. I slept until 5PM and I am ready for bed again.
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