Monday, May 09, 2005

No surprises here

A big thanks to Josse Ford for posting this article, The X Factor: Is the Art Market Rational or Biased?

I have been thinking about these issues not because of my own work concerns, but because I was grading the final exams for my classes and some of the answers-mostly from young men-were upsetting, disappointing. Many of them still perceive women as "whiners" when it comes to fair gallery representation and compensation and issues of objectification. In class, one of the images that we discuss under various forms of criticism is this one from the Guerilla Girls and these same young men use this work as an example of the "whiners". It is truly disheartening.

Some of them are still arguing that "women are just prettier" without any awarenes of their investment in this unfairness. Say it with me: "Yikes!"

I have so much more that I want to say, but I have to get the grades tallied and entered into the system, so... later...

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