Monday, November 29, 2004

This last weekend, when my niece was here, my husband drew her a HUGE coloring book and they started cutting out snowflakes from paper. I had forgotten a) how to do this and b) how much I loved this as a child. I don't know what I was doing wrong, but all my "snowflakes" this weekend looked very square.

So, today..I get a newsletter from Marta Stewert. I don't usually pay that much attention to them since I a) subscribe to the magazine and b) never throw them out! I musta missed this in the December issue(which I hid from my company so that I could savor it in its pristine condition).

Looks like one more fold would have made my snowflakes right. I have a great deal of unprinted newsprint from our drawing classes that will be perfect for this! My plan is to cut them out for my hair shop windows and then after Christmas, turn them into nicer paper.

SO...go make your own snowflakes and send me the photos, wouldya? I will post them somewhere-just for fun!

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